here are a few of our

be in the know!

What's the difference between a midwife & a Doula?

How early in my pregnancy do you want to see me?

 Certified Professional Midwives are health care professionals trained in traditional and evidenced-based maternity care. They attend childbirth at home or in birth centers. Doulas provide physical comfort and emotional support during childbirth.

Is Homebirth safe?

· Fertility consultation including tracking your cycles, herbs to prevent miscarriage, and referral for progesterone testing.  
· Pre-conception care.  Ask about our health-share referral program before you’re pregnant!
· Individualized prenatal care
· Water birth
· Sneak Peak
· Unity Screen
· Delayed Cord Clamping
· Attendance and care from your primary midwife along with a qualified midwifery assistant at your labor and delivery
· Labor support at the hospital in the event of transfer
· Newborn exam, erythromycin, and vitamin K
· Six weeks of routine newborn care after delivery
· Critical Heart Defect Screen and two Newborn Screens
· Filing baby’s birth certificate
· Information about birth control methods including natural family planning, fertility awareness, barrier methods, and referral for hormonal contraception.

While most of our clients begin care around 10-12 weeks when we can hear baby’s heartbeat, we're happy to help you prepare for pregnancy. If have abnormal cycles, a history of infertility or miscarriage, or you've taken hormonal birth control, let's connect early.

What does midwifery care include?

· Ultrasounds
· Nutritional supplements and medications
· Childbirth and exercise classes 
· Dietitians, chiropractors, physician consultations, transport fees, or physician or hospital fees in the event of transfer of care
· Lab work; however, we offer a generously discounted lab package to our clients
· Newborn hearing screen, pediatric visits, and vaccinations

What isn't included in  midwifery care?

What if there
is an emergency?

Are your services covered by insurance?

We are trained to manage common complications that arise during birth and we carry much of the same emergency medications and equipment available at the hospital. If you need higher level care or intervention, we facilitate transport to a variety of providers in the DFW area. We carefully monitor both mom and baby and strive to transfer before a true emergency evolves. Our training includes CPR, NPR, Birth Emergency Skills Training®, along with a number of continuing education courses in midwifery specific topics.

We are an out-of-network provider for insurance.   
However, many health shares cover home birth costs.  We can provide you with a global maternity receipt that you may submit to your health share.  

do you have
payment plans available?

Yes. We offer several payment options.
We request an initial deposit and we work with you to pay the balance over the duration of your care.

Who can i
invite to my birth?

what do you think about my other children being at
the birth?

We don’t determine who comes to your birth.  This is your experience.   We do recommend that you fill your birth space with people who are 100 percent supportive of your choices. Labor is interrupted or promoted by those present, and negative emotions can increase the possibility of transfer in labor.

Some families choose to include children at the birth. If this is you, we recommend three things. 
1. Consider how your children’s presence might interrupt or aid your labor flow.   
2. It's important to prepare your children for the experience.   
3. Have an adult present who is responsible to attend to your children during your labor.


What kind of pain relief do you provide?

We are passionate about helping you have natural physiologic birth and helping you feel empowered through childbirth.  We employ education, informed consent, homeopathy, botanical medicine, and body balancing, to help you achieve your birth goals.  We encourage you to move, stay nourished,
and stay hydrated throughout your labor and birth. 

Birth is about much more than the
wriggling of a tiny body out of a larger one. 
When we birth, we don’t just birth babies...
 We birth ourselves, we birth our families,
and we reshape our lives.


we can't wait to meet you

contact us today!

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MELODY:   817-507-3295