
The Midwives

I can’t remember when my fascination with birth began.  I know that I was a  young girl and my mother’s eight home births normalized the idea of out-of-hospital birth. I've always considered midwifery to be a calling and I desire to provide options for families who want a natural delivery outside of the hospital.  After four years of study which included a clinical internship at Casa de Nacimiento and graduating from the Association of Texas Midwives Midwifery Program, I became a licensed midwife in the state of Texas and a Certified Professional Midwife through the North American Registry of Midwives. I love supporting families through education and informed choice. I've attended more than 1,300 births and assisted in training more than 70 students.

Melody  Morrow


Cleburne, TX

While Ashlyn doesn’t attend home birth with us, she has an advanced midwifery practice which includes independent provision of care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. This includes sexual and reproductive health, gynecologic health, family planning services, and preconception care. Nurse midwives like Ashlyn provide primary care for individuals from adolescence throughout a woman's lifespan as well as care for the healthy newborn during the first 28 days of life. Kim and Melody are pleased to partner with Ashlyn for initial and ongoing comprehensive assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for disease prevention, risk assessment and management, and individualized wellness education and counseling.

Ashlyn  Sconyers


Telehealth Provider