Our “In the Know” section allows you to find answers to common questions you may have about out-of-hospital birth.
We'd like you to consider the following questions for yourself. This will help you envision your role in your care and the commitment you’ll need for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
To hire a midwife is to partner in your healthcare.
As your midwives, we provide informed consent and evidence-based practices to create a safe and empowered childbirth experience.
That means we commonly spend an hour with you during appointments. We focus on preventative measures, nutritional counseling, exercise to prepare your body for birth, healthy lifestyle choices, and physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
We also enlist a broader team of professionals to meet the individual needs of our clients. We refer to an excellent network of chiropractors, childbirth educators, massage therapists, physicians, and other health care providers for optimal care.